A struggling lobbyist in America

You gotta love LeRoy Jones, my sparring partner on "New Jersey Now" from today's installment. In our first segment, which concerned the stem cell research referendum defeat from this past Tuesday's election, I naturally argued for the private sector and the free market benefiting all. LeRoy's tactic, on the other hand, attempted to divide rich and poor. When I chided him on this, a little friendly zinging ensued, and he came up with a good line to close: "I'm a struggling lobbyist in America..."

The second segment was centered on Rudy Giuliani and his connection to the disgraced Bernard Kerik, plus the seemingly bizarre endorsement by Pat Robertson. I managed to work in a plug for Ron Paul in that segment as well towards the end.

Prior to LeRoy and I taping, Jon Bramnick (who is still tossing around the idea of running for US Senate next year) and District 19 Assemblyman John Wisniewski, who doesn't seem to be a big fan of Governor Corzine, discussed Tuesday's results. Wisniewski is the Chair of the Transportation Committee in the Assembly, and has resisted the monetization scheme. Stay tuned on that.